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Join us for a happy hour and meet and greet at PG&J’s Dog Park Bar with Racing Louisville FC from 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, October 16!

Racing players including Savannah DeMelo, Katie Lund and Abby Erceg will all be present at PG&J’s, at 800 Baxter Ave, Louisville, KY 40204.

This event is 21+. All dogs must be registered to PG&J upon entry to the event. Dogs must be spayed or neutered. All up-to-date vaccine records must be emailed to info.louisville@pgjdogbar.com or presented at the door. Attendees will be asked to sign a waiver upon entry.

The Park Pass fee will be waived for all Racing Louisville fans at this event, so there is no need to pay the Park Pass fee online. Click here for all rules and waivers. Register your pup using the “Racing Mixer” Plan (Purple Box)

Please RSVP Here


No Dog, No Prob!  You don’t need a dog to enjoy PG&J’s Dog Park Bar! Humans are free but must be 21+

Dog Requirements: You must have vet records (paper or digital) showing that your dog is spayed or neutered and vaccinated for Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella. Dogs must be 4 months or older.


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