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HeinSight Trivia Every Thursday at PG&Js Dog Park Bar. Trivia starts at 7 PM! 21+
Midnight Moosery Food Truck 5:30-8:30

FREE to Play!
PRIZES will be given to the top 3 teams
TEAMS limited to 8 players

Themed Trivia Once A Month!

No Dog, No Prob!  You don’t need a dog to enjoy PG&J’s Dog Park Bar!

Dog Requirements: You must have vet records (paper or digital) showing that your dog is spayed or neutered and vaccinated for Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella. Dogs must be 4 months or older.

Plan your visit on our website www.pgjdogbar.com
Email Records to: info.louisville@pgjdogbar.com


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